questions from app users


No. It’s 100% anonymous!

On the downside, if you change your phone and didn’t made a backup, you’ll loose the list of places your visited.

If the place has Quovidis, you should see a tag like this one

Then they probably don’t know about Quovidis.

Please support us. Give the Quovidis URL “”  to the manager and ask him kindly if he would consider using it. The experience shows that several visitors have to ask before a place adopt Quovidis.


The app needs to remember when you’ve been there. So you will receive only the messages relevant to each of your visits.

It’s up to you.

We suggest to scan on arrival. Just scan and forget.

You can delete each visit individually. Simply delete this visit.

You are free to delete a place.

By deleting a place, you delete also every visit, message and notification.


Notifications are special messages.

They are used if there was an issue at the place you’ve been. Usually, businesses send notifications when somebody forgot a valuable item in the place. Notifications can also be more important if the problem was bigger.

The main idea is to attract your attention as the business cannot contact you directly. You are 100% anonymous.

The app will receive all notifications but it will show you only issues -24/+24 hours from your visit.

This can happen.

As we don’t know all possible situations and there can be always mistakes in reporting, we count a window of -24/+24 hours from your visit.


No, not directly.

The place can’t send you messages because you are anonymous. The place can deposit messages in Quovidis, very much like on a website, and your app is reading those messages and display them to you if relevant.

And you can block messages from a place at any time.

It can happen for places you visit regularly. Please tell us a place as an example, so we can check if the app filters the messages correctly.

It can also be that a place made mistakes when leaving messages in Quovidis.

Or simply, they spam you. In this case block all messages from this place. You will still receive notifications.


The only thing the app sends is the daily request for messages and alerts.

It sends a list of place you’ve been, but without the date and time of your visit. It’s very much like requesting bookmarked websites, but without all the cookies and  fingerprinting methods your browser usually do.

Oh yes!

Feel free to use a VPN of your choice. You can also use Tor.

Your data stays on your phone.


Quovidis don’t collect any of your data, so we have nothing to sell.



Quovidis is lightweight. It doesn’t take much space and doesn’t need the fastest phone.

You don’t need a network connection to use Quovidis.

You even don’t need to be online when scanning a code, because all data is stored on your phone and no data is transmitted out.

However, you’ll need at least a WIFI access once per day to collect information about the places you’ve visited.

questions from BUSINESSES

Please find the business FAQs under “Businesses